Muscle Cramps

Icrampthumbt is officially springtime; the days are warmer and longer.  It’s time to get outside! Many people like to garden or you may have decided to start running, walking or play sports. If we workout too much, we may experience muscle cramps. The cramps can happen anywhere in the body but usually in the legs and feet.

Here are some effective treatments by Dr. Agatha Thrash: in the February 2013, 3ABN World. pp. 36, 37.

  • Soaking – Add one tablespoon of charcoal to one or two gallons of water for soaking feet to reduce swelling.
  • A pillow placed between the knees while sleeping reduces pressure and helps avoid poor circulation.
  • Rubbing – pregnant women may sometimes have to bear cramps until their pregnancy is over; however they should always rub the cramps out and avoid taking anything by mouth.
  • Exercise
    • Standing on tiptoes and walking on carpet
    • Rolling a bottle underfoot
    • Walking on the outer edges of the feet several minutes daily
    • Several hours daily of walking or working outside.
  • Green leafy vegetables – an abundance of green leafy vegetables insures good mineral content in the diet…
  • Heat and cold – applying heat to the affected area can be helpful…Or apply hot and cold compresses – hot for six minutes and cold for thirty seconds.  Make four changes. You may need to repeat this as many as four times during the first day.
  • Reduce swelling – reducing swelling in the feet can be achieved by walking, drinking water, reducing salt, and wrapping legs in elastic at night.

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