A Quick Breakfast

Toasted Oats

This quick breakfast is made with a popular natural food, oatmeal.  Oats are a very nutritious whole grain. They contain B vitamins, and are rich in iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Because of their therapeutic value, oats are recommended for the following situations: nervous system complaints, digestive disturbances, celiac disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis and hypertension.




One Sunday morning, this summer, I wanted something cool but quick for breakfast. What could I make in a hurry? I hadn’t planned the night before. I sent up a quick prayer and the idea toasted oats came to me. Frequently when I need a recipe, I’ll look on – allrecipes.com. This time I googled ‘toasted oats’ and found a quick, cool breakfast recipe. I have tried this recipe twice and enjoy its natural good taste and simplicity.


Once the oats are toasted your children can prepare their own healthy breakfast. Just allow them to add whatever fruit they like. OR [after preparing this breakfast for my grandkids, ages 2 – 6. They enjoyed it; but, I gave them too much.] For young children, you may prefer to mix everything in one bowl and then give them a little to eat. And let them ask for more. This cereal is filling!


This morning, I added grapes, dates, peaches, coconut and soy milk, to the toasted oats.  Delicious! The versions are endless – add whatever fruit and nuts or seeds you like. My grandchildren had peaches, kiwi, banana and coconut.


For ‘hot cereal,’ heat the oats with milk. Extra oats may be toasted and stored in an airtight container for later use. This is an inexpensive, natural, wholesome, cold cereal.  Follow the link below for the recipe –


toasted oats with berries & yogurt


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